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The OpenEarth® Community (OEC) is a free, global and open community of scientists, engineers and software developers in oil and gas companies, service companies, software providers, data vendors and technology developers committed to producing an open and shared O&G software platform to rapidly lower the cost and accelerate the pace of innovation in the O&G Industry.

These organizations and members want to influence and participate in the development of the OpenEarth Community with guaranteed access for proprietary use with the added benefit of industry interoperability, collaboration and cost/risk mitigation.

The OEC comprises three personas:

1.      Founding Members

Represents forward thinking organizations that are committed to accelerating the pace of innovation and reducing the cost of software development in the oil and gas industry.

These members see OEC as a place to co-innovate with peers, reduce project costs and innovation spend, and includes NOCs, ISVs, IOCs, and OFS

2.      Industry Companies

These are companies looking to accelerate innovation to end user consumption. These organizations are looking to minimize the heavy lifting within their organizations by leveraging OEC to conceptualize IP efficiently and affordably. These organizations are under resourced and want to leverage the open and free platform of OEC to drive value back to their organizations, and includes NOCs, ISVs, IOCs, and OFS.

3.      Non-industry Companies

These are organizations looking to identify key development opportunities within the oil and gas industry. These organizations look to add value to the community by educating, adding data, or learning about challenges O&G companies encounter in software development. These companies that are non-industry join the OEC to create new business opportunities, add value to their portfolio, or increase awareness about initiatives that align with OEC. They include ISVs, Tech Cos, Universities, and Start-ups.


The OEC is made up of three material organizational bodies with defined roles:

1.      Community Executive Committee (CEC)

The role of the CEC is to review and approve the deployment and development of projects within the community.

2.      Project Management Office (PMO).

Currently managed by Landmark, the role of the PMO is to manage community project workflows, infrastructure, and support.

3.      Community Members.

Members of the community are a key body as their role is to initiate, develop and deliver projects.